Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report 9/3/16
The Great Smoky Mountains National Park fished very good today. High elevation streams produced great numbers of both Brook trout and Rainbow. Many of these fish fell for dry flies particularly in the afternoon. Nothing more fun than watching as a wild trout hits your fly at nearly 40mph!
Our guides are reporting better stream temperatures all across the park simply because the night time lows have came down a few degrees and has helped park streams drop overall water temperatures. We did pick up a slight trace of rain on a few watersheds inside the park, particularly on Deep Creek and Noland Creek. While this didn’t change the overall water levels, it’s our impression that every little bit helps! Rain also fell on Mt. Guyot for a brief time and raised the water levels on Ramsey Prong just a tad.
We braved the Labor Day weekend crowds and spent the afternoon at Cade’s Cove taking a few pictures and kicking around the streams. While there was several folks out for a drive and stopping along the road sides for a picnic, we didn’t notice many anglers on Abrams Creek which was a surprise. We only ran across two fly anglers both of which stated they had done well early on in the day. We managed several nice Bows to the net on small yellow Stimulators fished in the fast water in the afternoon. We’re working on a new nymph pattern that wrecked house on Abrams Creek today too. We’ve yet to release it, always more work to do!
See you on the water!